
What’s waiting?

ISC 2020: packed with information, everything online, everything about tomorrow!

ETTF (European Timber Trade Federation) and EOS (European Organization of the Sawmill Industry) are jointly responsible for organizing and convening the annual International Softwood Conference (ISC).
The ISC is a world leading conference for producers and traders of softwood products; on average more than 180 experts from four continents join the annual meeting.
The ISC is an excellent network meeting and provides first-hand information for international producers and traders of softwood products.

In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic the ISC will be, for the first time ever, hosted as an online-only conference.
On occasion of this unique event, speakers will be demanded to provide an overview of the possible and expected market developments in the near future, in Europe as worldwide. Challenges related to wood availability and demand will then be discussed in a specific conference session, dedicated to the bark beetle propagation that is particularly affecting Central Europe.

Don’t miss the opportunity to join the timber community and our high level speakers! Register now for the ISC 2020!